We are now roughly halfway through the 2025 Legislative Session. WSAFM’s Legislative Committee has been monitoring and advocating on many bills, by providing written, virtual and in person testimony at hearings, and working with WABO, AWC, WFC and other partners. Two important cut offs are now behind us, with a third occurring this week. As a result, we have more clarity on bills that are moving forward this year and which are "dead". Given the projected budget deficit, bills with large fiscal notes have had a harder time moving than those with little or no fiscal impact.
Bills that are moving forward include several bills that WSAFM supported and some that we have concerns about. Our advocacy has had a positive impact this year, thank you to our Legislative Committee, our lobbyist, and the input from WSAFM membership.
Below is a summary of some key items of interest. Click here for links to bill text and latest status: Washington State Legislature
Moving, WSAFM is supporting: HB 1628 Fire Service Policy Board, SB 5419/HB 1793 Fire Loss Data to OIC, HB 1539 OIC/DNR wildfire mitigation and resiliency standards work group, HB 1550/SB 5586 Electric vehicle batteries
Moving, WSAFM has concerns or is opposed: HB 1183/SB 5156 Smaller elevator sizes in R-2s up to 6 stories/24 units, HB 1757 Conversion to Residential, HB 1443 Mobile dwellings
Appear to not be moving, however WSAFM had supported: HB 1571 Occupational disease/heart, SB 5624 Electric vehicle fires (follow on to 2024’s SB 5812 study and recommendations)
Appear to not be moving, WSAFM had concerns with the legislation: HB 1654 Enforcement of the International Fire Code, SB 5429 SBCC Membership, HB 1254 WUI
The Washington State Association of Fire Marshals priorities and legislative tracker are available on our Legislative Resources page.