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  • Thursday, March 06, 2025 09:50 | Karen Grove (Administrator)

    We are now roughly halfway through the 2025 Legislative Session.  WSAFM’s Legislative Committee has been monitoring and advocating on many bills, by providing written, virtual and in person testimony at hearings, and working with WABO, AWC, WFC and other partners.  Two important cut offs are now behind us, with a third occurring this week.  As a result, we have more clarity on bills that are moving forward this year and which are "dead".   Given the projected budget deficit, bills with large fiscal notes have had a harder time moving than those with little or no fiscal impact. 

    Bills that are moving forward include several bills that WSAFM supported and some that we have concerns about. Our advocacy has had a positive impact this year, thank you to our Legislative Committee, our lobbyist, and the input from WSAFM membership.

    Below is a summary of some key items of interest. Click here for links to bill text and latest status:  Washington State Legislature

    Moving, WSAFM is supporting:  HB 1628 Fire Service Policy Board, SB 5419/HB 1793 Fire Loss Data to OIC, HB 1539 OIC/DNR wildfire mitigation and resiliency standards work group, HB 1550/SB 5586 Electric vehicle batteries

    Moving, WSAFM has concerns or is opposed:  HB 1183/SB 5156 Smaller elevator sizes in R-2s up to 6 stories/24 units, HB 1757 Conversion to Residential, HB 1443 Mobile dwellings

    Appear to not be moving, however WSAFM had supported:  HB 1571 Occupational disease/heart, SB 5624 Electric vehicle fires (follow on to 2024’s SB 5812 study and recommendations)

    Appear to not be moving, WSAFM had concerns with the legislation:  HB 1654 Enforcement of the International Fire Code, SB 5429 SBCC Membership, HB 1254 WUI

    The Washington State Association of Fire Marshals priorities and legislative tracker are available on our Legislative Resources page. 

  • Friday, January 17, 2025 14:03 | Karen Grove (Administrator)

    New Bill on WUI Code HB 1254 

    A bill has been introduced that would more or less undo SB 6120 from last year, and lead to a more typical situation where SBCC could adopt the WUI with State amendments for all of WA.  Currently with SB 6120, only RCW 19.27.560 applies statewide, however local jurisdictions can adopt the full international WUI code if they want.  Please let WSAFM know if you have comments.

    DNR Wildfire Risk Mapping Process Preview

    DNR is convening a steering committee to spend the next 16 months creating wildfire risk maps in response to SB 6120.  WSAFM will have two seats on the steering committee, one representing counties and one representing cities.  Please see this slide deck for more information.

  • Tuesday, December 17, 2024 12:26 | Karen Grove (Administrator)

    In 2024, WSAFM testified in favor a SSB 5812 that directed the State Fire Marshal’s Office to convene an expert working group and report to the legislature regarding fire fighter safety and training in response to EV fires, as well as best practices for the tow industry and protecting the environment. 

    The resulting "Electric Vehicle Fires Study" has now been submitted to the legislature.  It contains several recommendations, summarized below, with a total cost of approximately $9m.  While the full ask may not receive funding, this is an important step forward in state-wide preparations for EV fires and fire fighter and community safety.


    • Establish a training program in the State FMO and disseminate a list of free and no-cost national training options to all agencies in WA by Sept 2025 to ensure all FF's receive training.
    • Develop an interagency checklist to guide EV fire responses including hazmat implications.
    • Disseminate information on national best science regarding appropriate PPE for these fires:  SCBA , particulate hoods, and turn out gear, decontamination.
    • Provide one-time funding to help small, rural and volunteer fire agencies to purchase particulate hoods and respiratory protection, as well as recommendation for a replacement funding strategy.
    • Provide training and PPE to tow industry and WSP. 
    • Strengthen notification procedures between first responders and Ecology regarding hazmat; and recommendations for further efforts related to understanding impacts on human health, environment, and clean up responsibilities.

    WSAFM participated on the expert working group, which also included fire operations personnel from several departments, tow industry, and representatives from State Ecology and Commerce.  The result is a high-quality and relevant set of recommendations for WA grounded in the best national practices and science.

  • Monday, November 04, 2024 10:53 | Karen Grove (Administrator)

    WSAFM’s Legislative Committee is seeking member input for our 2025 State Legislative Priorities.  The draft priorities are available here: Washington State Association of Fire Marshals - Legislative Resources.  To provide input please email your comments to Legislative Chair  As required by the State Constitution, the session will begin the second Monday of January.  Because 2025 is the start of a biennium, this session will run for 105-days. 

  • Tuesday, March 26, 2024 14:51 | Dave Kokot (Administrator)

    On March 15th, the State Building Code Council (SBCC) took emergency action to remove an error to the State amendments of the 2021 International Fire Code.  Section 308.1.4, Open-flame cooking devices, has not been adopted by the State since the adoption of the International Codes.  The amendment was inadvertently removed from the published code.  The action of the SBCC has reinstated the amendment that IFC 308.1.4 is NOT ADOPTED.  If you have any questions, please contact Dave Kokot (

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2024 17:37 | Karen Grove (Administrator)

    SB 6120 modified laws in Washington related to the Wildland Urban Interface Code (WUIC).  SB 6120 included emergency provisions and will take effect upon the Governor’s signature, which is expected to occur in mid-March 2024.  In order to start or continue enforcing the WUIC after this emergency rule takes effect, local jurisdictions should be aware of implementation recommendations from WSAFM.

  • Wednesday, February 07, 2024 08:07 | Karen Grove (Administrator)

    Fellow Fire Marshals,

    The Washington State Association of Fire Marshals (WSAFM) needs you to contact your legislator or your municipality’s lobbyist to ask for an amendment to be added to HB2071.

    HB2071, as it is currently written, will exempt multiplex housing from the IBC and lessen the likelihood that sprinklers and other fire protection systems will be provided. The end goal of the legislation is to find ways to build multiplexes more affordably. The legislation states: “Allowing middle and multiplex housing to be built according to the standards of the international residential code will result in housing being easier to build and more affordable without sacrificing quality and safety. Therefore, the legislature intends to simplify the production of middle and multiplex housing by allowing more types of housing to use provisions of the international residential code.

    The legislation creates a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for the purpose of recommending the additions or amendments to rules or codes that are necessary for the council to apply the Washington state residential code to multiplex housing. The legislation goes on to say that the TAG “must consider the life safety systems…….” WSAFM strongly believes that the language “must consider” needs to be replaced with “will include”. 

    To find your legislative representation you can search here:

    House Bill 2071 Information

    Timeline:  Let us know by Friday 2/7 if you are willing to get involved. WSAFM’s lobbyist is more than willing to assist you in your efforts. Contact Bryan McConaughy via e-mail at and cc WSAFM Legislative Leads Dave Kokot or Karen Grove

    Yours in service,

    The Washington State Association of Fire Marshals

  • Monday, December 18, 2023 17:34 | Karen Grove (Administrator)

    On November 17, the SBCC approved amendments to the WUI code that weaken or remove defensible space requirements and ask local jurisdictions to adopt their own map (the DNR map would no longer be referenced).   WSAFM has concerns and provided an official letter to the SBCC.  Defensible space is a national best practice and proven code strategy to reduce death and property loss from wildfire.  WSAFM feels the SBCC exceptions go too far in Chapter 6, particularly for jurisdictions in the eastern, drier part of the state.   In addition, WSAFM is concerned that the SBCC is creating an unfunded mandate for local jurisdictions by removing the DNR map (SBCC amendments to Chapter 3).  WSAFM would rather see the DNR map improved with more local flexibility rather than require all local jurisdictions to create and maintain their own maps.

    WSAFM's official comment is here: WSAFM WUI Position Paper

    The proposed Draft Language from the SBCC is here: Microsoft Word - Defensible Space Proposal Council Decision Nov 17 (

    Please contact Dave Kokot with comments or feedback at

  • Wednesday, November 01, 2023 10:31 | Karen Grove (Administrator)

    The 2024 Legislative Session begins on Monday, January 8, 2024, and will run for a short 60 days.  The Washington State Association of Fire Marshals Legislative Committee has established draft priorities for the 2024 session.  We are requesting feedback from the membership through December 1, 2023.  Please email or with comments or suggestions. 

  • Tuesday, September 12, 2023 08:48 | Dave Kokot (Administrator)
      • A meeting of the Fire Service Delivery Workgroup is scheduled for  Tuesday, September 26, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Lacey Fire District’s Training and Education Center in Lacey, Washington.  WSAFM is not a member of the Workgroup, but is requested to provide testimony as a stakeholder.  We are looking for comments and suggestions to be included in our testimony to the Workgroup.  Members interested in providing testimony information are requested to contact Dave Kokot at 

        The Fire Service Delivery Workgroup was established by the 2023 Operating Budget. The workgroup’s purpose is to evaluate the existing funding and service delivery models of fire service functions (currently provided by the Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office) including, but not limited to:

        a)      Fire service training and certifications;

        b)      Apprenticeships;

        c)      Risk mobilization;

        d)      Fire prevention;

        e)      Inspections and plan review;

        f)       Data collection;

        g)      Building codes and fire sprinkler and monitoring systems; and

        h)      Fireworks and fire safe cigarettes.

        They are seeking statewide stakeholder input. To that end, we will be providing the following:

        1. How we interact with the Office of the State Fire Marshal
        2. Most important challenges our organization faces regarding fire service funding, or fire service delivery
        3. Recommendations to improve those concerns

        The Fire Service Delivery Workgroup must report its findings and recommendations for the future delivery of these functions to the Legislature and the Governor by December 1, 2023.


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